
Leo was found at abattoir in January, 2017. She was found in crates with thirty of her friends. It was quite baffling to us why these hens were at the abattoir as they were so young, only at point of lay age. All thirty were rescued and I kept three of these beautiful girls. Two golden beauties who I called “Leo” and “Aries” and one gorgeous brown girl who was so timid, sweet and scared who I called, “Pisces”.

Leo was beautiful, proud and headstrong from the first moment I saw her. She kept her head held high and knew how beautiful she was. I took all three lovely young hens to Lefty’s Place and introduced them to Super Chicken’s flock where they fitted in beautifully.

Leo spends her time hanging around with Super Chicken and with Aries. She also has an independent streak, which means I find her wandering off every now and again looking for puddles to gaze in to to see her beautiful gold reflection.