Category Archives: Broiler Chickens

Farewell Autumn

Little Autumn only got to be in this world for 9 weeks. Her genetically, selectively bred body could no longer cope. This is what happens to broiler chickens who are bred for meat. Please keep them in your mind when choosing your food. She rests beside her broiler chicken family who passed away before her,…


Autumn and Summer came to us when they were four weeks old. They were rescued from an intensive meat chicken factory. Chickens from these factories are called “broiler chickens”. Broiler chickens are selectively bred to grow as fast as possible in the shortest amount of time as possible. What this means for the poor baby…

Broiler Chickens

What are Broiler chickens you ask? Broiler chickens are chickens who have been selectively bred by the meat industry to grow as big and fast as possible for human consumption. Every year, over half a billion chickens are raised and slaughtered in Australia alone. These chickens grow so fast that they reach their target slaughter…


A broiler chicken with a sense of humour, that was my Maggie, she was so funny. She was rescued in early 2012 from a broiler (meat) chicken farm at about 4 weeks old. The farm she came from is pictured below. I named her Maggie Matron Sloan after a character in the Australian drama, “A…

Molly and Chloe

The first two broiler chickens I ever cared for were named Molly and Chloe. I named them after my favourite characters in “A Country Practice” (An Australian drama series). They loved each other dearly and were never apart. Molly and Chloe were rescued from a chicken transport truck (pictured below) on the way to an…