Category Archives: Ex-Battery Hens


I met Casper on the 25th January, 2013. At 6.30am I looked into the back of a station wagon and there she was, with 11 other bald, scared hens staring back at me. I gently pick up this pitiful, pale, emaciated girl and took her to her new home, Chicken Coop No. 2. She was…

The Price Of Eggs

I often watch people at the egg section at the supermarket, about 1 in 10 people stop and take their time to think about their egg choice. The other people, well, they automatically reach for the cheapest eggs and open the lid to check them. In that one selfish action, they are condemning 11 million…


Boudica was found unconscious, bald and emaciated in a manure pit underneath a battery egg shed. The shed looking up from the manure pit where she was found looked like this below: Boudica was picked up from the manure pile with another hen, her name is Willow. They were both so close to death that…