Category Archives: Factory Farming


In Greek mythology a phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. As I held a small, almost dead hen in a pillowcase on my lap in the car, I could barely feel her breathing. I didn’t know if she’d make the trip home, let alone the next day, the next week or…

Born To Die (The Life of A Broiler Chicken)

Chicken meat. One of the most accessible meats available. One of the cheapest meats available. The meat that women on a diet reach for. The meat you can have in your sandwich for lunch, for your roast dinner or in your salad as a snack. Having not eaten meat for nearly 20 years now, I…

The Price Of Eggs

I often watch people at the egg section at the supermarket, about 1 in 10 people stop and take their time to think about their egg choice. The other people, well, they automatically reach for the cheapest eggs and open the lid to check them. In that one selfish action, they are condemning 11 million…