Category Archives: Chickens

Bobby Bob Bob

Bobby Bob Bob was taken out of the tiny battery cage that she shared with five other hens and put into a car on her way to a new life in March 2014. Bobby was chosen to be rescued because of her extremely strange looking neck and face and she was obviously the most bullied…

Melly and Katie Scarlett

In Gone With The Wind, Melly was never the strong one physically, but she was strong in heart and compassion. Scarlett was brash and forthright and fought for what she wanted and needed in an upfront manner. These two little ladies have just been named “Melly” (on the left) and “Katie Scarlett” after these two…


In May 2013, I visited a broiler chicken shed in Victoria. Broiler chickens are raised for meat and are killed at 5-7 weeks old. When I walked into this particular shed I was greeted with the usual sea of white broiler chickens. Their huge bodies at only a few weeks old all crammed in together…

Our Sweets

  In the dark of the factory farm shed, the rescuers could smell only death. The shed was empty. All the chickens in this particular shed had been depopulated. What this means is the hens were at the end of their “productive egg laying life”. This happens at only 18 months of age. An entire…


I met Casper on the 25th January, 2013. At 6.30am I looked into the back of a station wagon and there she was, with 11 other bald, scared hens staring back at me. I gently pick up this pitiful, pale, emaciated girl and took her to her new home, Chicken Coop No. 2. She was…