Category Archives: In Loving Memory Of

Beautiful Bruce

I can’t exactly remember when I first met Bruce. It may’ve been around 8 years ago. I remember seeing the neighbour’s bold, black and white cat sitting on our back fence meowing… much meowing. Bruce was a big talker. He meowed at everything. He would meow when walking past a pretty flower and meow when…

Farewell Autumn

Little Autumn only got to be in this world for 9 weeks. Her genetically, selectively bred body could no longer cope. This is what happens to broiler chickens who are bred for meat. Please keep them in your mind when choosing your food. She rests beside her broiler chicken family who passed away before her,…


One  sunny day last November, I was hanging around outside taking photos of the sheep etc, when I felt something crawling up my back. Five seconds later whoever it was had taken hold of my ear to bite. To my surprise, it was a Galah and quite a young Galah at that. He was such…

The Gentle Steers

A herd of 50 steers turned up in the paddocks behind our house in about October 2011. Many herds of cattle have come and gone from these paddocks over the years, but never has a group been so friendly and inquisitive. They would follow me, recognise me and walk up to me, they even licked…

Molly and Chloe

The first two broiler chickens I ever cared for were named Molly and Chloe. I named them after my favourite characters in “A Country Practice” (An Australian drama series). They loved each other dearly and were never apart. Molly and Chloe were rescued from a chicken transport truck (pictured below) on the way to an…