Lefty and Righty

I have two new boys in my life, two one year old wethers named “Lefty” and “Righty”. We got them off a farmer who was planning to kill them.

Lefty is shy, reserved and loves affection. He has a slight neuroligical problem which happened when his horns were cut off too close to his head. Apparently, the lotion put onto these cut off horns got into his brain and has caused some problems.

Righty is the exact opposite to Lefty, bold, brash and confident. He walks right up to you, sniffs your face and demands oats. He is the ringleader when it comes to doing all the cheeky things like walking into the kitchen and getting through the fence.

I love them dearly. They make my life so much brighter.

Please don’t use my images without permission. All images are Copyright Tamara Kenneally.