The Amazing Misadventures Of Bobby Bob Bob – Bobby’s World

“So today I got up and started yelling really early to get Tam out of bed. If I yell loud enough, for long enough, she comes running. Then I ate some oats. Then I licked some oats. Then I licked a bag, it was a nice bag. Then I saw some shoes I like, I gave them a lick. Then I met a man named Paul and he was pretty nice, but I didn’t give him a lick ’cause he was a stranger and all. Then I went out in to the paddock and foraged and ate grass and yelled sometimes and then licked a bit of grass. Then I licked some gumboots. Then I had my medicine bread (it was delicious) and then I went to bed….which was really disappointing ’cause I needed to do more stuff. Anyway, tomorrow is another day. The end. Love Bob”


You can read Bobby Bob Bob’s full story here:
